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Financial Analysis

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course


Financial analysis is about analyzing the past in order to understand the present and foresee the future of a company. It's aimed at answering two fundamental questions: one, will the firm be able to meet its financial obligations - the lenders question. And two, will it create value over time? - the equity holders question.


To drive this learning outcome we have built this 4 week course which follows the case study of a real company, Gremlin. It is a fascinating tale of a company that went bust without ever losing money. How's that possible? Well... Take the course! Participants will also be asked to produce their own analysis of a real company, immediately putting into practice what they will have learned from Professor Peter Mackay. Throughout the course participants are encouraged to exchange and compare notes through the forum and once a week, to connect with Peter and their peers in a live online session to get their questions answered.

The teachers

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Peter Mackay

Financial Analysis is taught by Peter Mackay, distinguished Professor at HKUST - one of the world's top-ranked business schools. His areas of expertise are corporate finance and corporate governance. Professor Mackay has been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Review of Financial Studies, among others.

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Pascak Quiry

Financial Analysis was initially designed and delivered by Pascal Quiry, professor at HEC Paris and author of the world's premier corporate finance reference books: 'Vernimmen'. Peter not only translates the original course from French to English, but also widens its geographic scope while imprints his own personal touch.



  • Week 1: Intoduction to financial analysis
  • Week 2: Investment analysis
  • Week 3: Analysis of financing
  • Week 4: Analysis of profitability
  • Week 5&6: Case study


  • A "practice financial analysis" case study corrected by the peers in the end of the Week 6 Receive an attestation of success to the Financial Analysis MOOC delivered by FIRST FINANCE
  • 4 to 6 video sequences of 10 min + assessment/quiz each week
  • A case study approach
  • 2 live video sessions of 45 min conducted by Peter Mackay to discuss the week’s lectures
  • A forum to interact with Peter Mackay and other participants